Statement on Anti-Racism in Physical Education and Kinesiology

The Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators (CCUPEKA) is committed to equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice through education as core values for all Canadian university Physical Education and Kinesiology programs. CCUPEKA stands in solidarity with all those who are fighting against racism, oppression, inequality, inequity, and injustice. CCUPEKA calls upon those in positions of power and privilege to reflect on their own experiences, biases, and privileges; to acknowledge that privilege often comes at the expense of Indigenous peoples, Black people, and other marginalized peoples; and to act to dismantle systemic racism and oppression. CCUPEKA’s accreditation standards shall require university programs to meaningfully and intentionally address challenges and barriers to participation and engagement in the work with underrepresented groups, and CCUPEKA and its member institutions will work with partners in intercollegiate athletics and recreation to achieve these objectives through advocacy, education and accreditation to support active allyship.

— Approved by CCUPEKA, June 2021


Déclaration contre le racisme en éducation physique et kinésiologie

Le Conseil canadien des administrateurs universitaires en éducation physique et kinésiologie (CCAUEPK) s’engage à faire en sorte que l’équité, la diversité, l’inclusion et la justice sociale soient des valeurs fondamentales de l’éducation pour tous les programmes universitaires canadiens d’éducation physique et de kinésiologie. CCAUEPK est solidaire de tous ceux qui luttent contre le racisme, l’oppression, l’inégalité, l’iniquité et l’injustice. CCAUEPK invite les personnes qui occupent des positions de pouvoir et de privilège à réfléchir sur leurs propres expériences, préjugés et privilèges; à reconnaître que le privilège se fait souvent au détriment des peuples autochtones, des Noirs et d’autres peuples marginalisés; et à agir pour abolir le racisme systémique et l’oppression. Les normes d’accréditation du CCAUEPK exigeront que les programmes universitaires abordent de manière significative et intentionnelle les défis et les obstacles à la participation et à l’implication dans leurs interventions auprès des groupes sous-représentés; le CCAUEPK et ses institutions membres travailleront également avec les partenaires dans les sports et loisirs intercollégiaux pour atteindre ces objectifs via la défense des droits, l’éducation et l’accréditation, ainsi que pour soutenir une alliance active.

— Approuvé par CCAUEPK, juin 2021

Statement on Truth and Reconciliation in Physical Education and Kinesiology

The Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators (CCUPEKA) is committed to responding to the calls to action and honouring truth and reconciliation. In consultation and cooperation with Indigenous peoples, we commit to taking impactful steps using mechanisms of accreditation, education, and systemic change to support the learning and unlearning that promotes reconciliation, decolonization and Indigenization of Physical Education and Kinesiology programs.

— Approved by CCUPEKA, June 2021


Déclaration sur la vérité et la réconciliation en éducation physique et kinésiologie

Le Conseil canadien des administrateurs universitaires en éducation physique et kinésiologie (CCAUEPK) s’engage à répondre aux appels à l’action et à honorer la vérité et la réconciliation. En consultation et en coopération avec les peuples autochtones, nous nous engageons à mettre en place des mesures efficaces, dans les mécanismes d’accréditation, d’éducation et de changement systémique, pour soutenir l’apprentissage et le désapprentissage qui favorisent la réconciliation, la décolonisation et l’indigénisation des programmes d’éducation physique et de kinésiologie.

— Approuvé par CCAUEPK, juin 2021

The Role of Kinesiologists and the Promotion of Physical Activity and Exercise in the Canadian Health Care System

Written for CCUPEKA by: Glen Bergeron PhD CAT(C),  Céline Larivière PhD, Philip Sullivan PhD, Lynn Kabaroff MHK, R.Kin

October 2014

Kinesiology is an evolving term to describe a multi-disciplinary academic discipline that spans the biophysical, socio-cultural, psychological, and neuromotor control aspects of human movement and performance. The discipline includes knowledge generation through research and translation of that knowledge into practice by professionals who work with a broad spectrum of populations from those who are physically inactive due to choice or injury or disease, through to those who are performance athletes or who have physically demanding occupations.

This position paper is focused on that part of the kinesiology spectrum that involves engagement in the Canadian Health Care System, and the benefits for that system that we strongly believe are associated with the integration of Kinesiologists into that system. Specifically, this paper is intended to increase public awareness and recognition that those individuals who specialize in Kinesiology should be included as professionals with the specialized education and skills that need to be employed within the health care system in both preventative and rehabilitative roles.

View the Position Statement here: